StickXfit® Foundation 3-day Workshop

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StickXfit® Foundation 3-day Workshop

Course Description:

The StickXfit® Foundation Course is designed to prepare you to successfully coach our science supported, educationally based, effective and safe StickXfit® classes in a variety of venues and diverse participant demographics. The focus is to stimulate and improve cognitive brain function with multi-dimensional, integrated movements and skill patterns, core training and bodyweight exercises, using Filipino rattan sticks from start to finish for this aerobically sustained format.

You’ll discover how the Filipino sticks as the “hero tool” creates a distinctively engaging, motivating and unparalleled training environment. The course includes: three days of interactive lectures, master classes, practical program teaching skills, class formatting, a month of four practical sessions with a master trainer after Day 2, finalizing in evaluation on Day 3. You’ll learn the neuroscience behind the StickXfit concept, its application to program methodology and the various multi-modality components: Filipino Double and Single Stick tactile interactive techniques, StickXblitz™ and Conditioning Drills.

Course Structure:

  • Teaching time 1566 (mins)
  • Self paced activities780 (mins)
  • Assessment 335 (mins)
  • Break time 255 (mins)
  • Total time 3 (no. days)
  • 4 Weekly Online Coaching Sessions (between day 2 & 3) To prepare for Test Out-Day.


Personal Trainer, Gym Instructor & Group Exercise Instructor

For more information, click here.

To review this course, please click here.