Free Training for Fitness Business Owners

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Free Training for Fitness Business Owners

Secrets to Pricing and Packaging Fitness Services–Online, Offline, and Hybrid

Secrets to Pricing and Packaging Fitness Services–Online, Offline, and Hybrid

Confused about how to price and package online, offline, and hybrid programs? Giving away programs for free (in desperate attempts to keep clients engaged)? Undercharging (and devaluing yourself)? There are a LOT of NEW challenges facing fitness professionals and business owners today. What if I told you there are a few key secrets to pricing and packaging that will make all the difference between hitting the wall and breaking through the growth ceiling in 2021? Check out this exclusive 15-minute FREE training we’ve created on how to price, package, and get your margins right for maximum profit (and long-term success for you and your clients!). Register now for this NEW training and discover: 

  • Why business owners fail to successfully compete against low-cost and “free” fitness training – and the 6 ways you can set yourself apart so you will be able to charge premium prices [3:43]
  • The 3-Step process anyone can follow that will identify your personal path to differentiating yourself and setting your business up for success [3:12]
  • 5 Success Stories that will show you how business owners who were struggling turned things around by creating great in a niche they could OWN [5:54]
  • The 3-Tiered process that inspires clients to commit to long-term, premium packages that solve their fitness goals AND help you build your business [9:54]
  • Why Margins give your business Life and the margins you must charge (and inspire clients to commit to) if you want to make real money in your fitness business [10:46]
  • And much, much more.

For more information and to get to started, click here.

To review this course, please click here.