Move to Improve Part 2

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Marietta Mehanni

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Move to Improve Part 2

The application of fascial science has a lot to offer your group exercise participants. Especially as they get older. Applying training principles that take fascial adaptation into account can improve your performance, improve your tissue strength, and make you a better mover.

In this course you will find out how tension, movement, and appropriate loading can influence the way that fascial tissue adapts. From freedom of movement through hydration, to improved force transfer through replication and alignment of collagen, to better posture through retraining of proprioception – your clients have so much to gain from targeted exercise in your classes.

  • Identify the forces and mechanics involved in fascial loading.
  • Develop an understanding of mechanotransduction and its influence on tissue alignment, tension and proprioception.
  • Explore tissue hydration and the influence of hyaluronic acid on mobility, function and overall health.
  • Apply the theory in movement through a workout that uses the key movement patterns and intensities required to gain the best effect in your clients.

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