Suspension Training Essentials

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Further Your Fitness

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Suspension Training Essentials

Further Your Fitness are dedicated to helping fitness professional go above and beyond in their chosen fitness careers. Further Your Fitness courses include boxing, mixed martial arts, kettlebells and nutrition. Our courses are designed to allow trainers to integrate practical training skills into their business model. Here at Further Your Fitness, we thrive on our ability to present affordable courses of the highest standards to Personal Trainers throughout Australia. We also provide martial arts equipment and personal training mentorships.

Our coaches specialize in their respective fields and have dedicated their careers to educating fitness professionals. Walking the talk and practicing what we preach are crucial values that Further Your Fitness coaches live by. Competing in their chosen fields at a professional level and integrating that into the principals of a personal training session are what sets us apart from our competitors.

Suspension Training Essentials Rundown

Gymnastic rings are predominantly used and we utilize a mass amount of regressions and progressions to cater to different levels of strength and mobility. If you would like the strength and mobility of a gymnast, this course will give the foundations to achieve this.

Duration: 4 hours
Instructor: Jared Thomlinson
Cost: $200

Introduction - 30 minutes
The introduction includes a detailed safety brief that involves – risk assessment and analysis, rules and regulation of the course, basic first aid kit run through and a detailed brief on the completed workbook.

Core activation and pelvic floor - 30 minutes
A workshop specializing in core activation techniques and pelvic floor positioning. Regressions for core activation and pelvic floor exercises will be demonstrated and practiced by participants. We will gradually progress to a free hang while maintaining these important positions. In this section, we also go over scapular control and stability for safe hanging practice and warm up / mobilize our joints for the upcoming exercises.

Suspension exercises - 1 hour
The ultimate workshop of suspension training exercise ideas. This section will be split into 3 components: Upper body pull (back) suspension exercises, upper body push (chest/shoulder) suspension exercises and lower body/core suspension exercises.

Exercise debrief and lunch - 1 hour
We will now take any questions and debrief the exercises performed. Participants will also be provided a 30 minute lunch break where lunch will be provided.

Programming suspension training - 30 minutes
In this section, we will discuss and experiment will suspension training programming for a client and how you might utilize suspension training ideas within a PT session or in a client program.

Mobility and flexibility - 1 hour
 We will now take the participants through mobility of the joints of the body starting at the ankle, knee and hip joints before moving to the spine, scapula, shoulders, elbows and neck. We will utilize dynamic, static, passive and ballistic stretches that are all relative to a suspended body position both to improve and progress at suspension training as well as to allow them to recover from the demands of the suspended body position.

Assessment - 45 minutes
In this section, the participant will structure and facilitate a 15 minute suspension training sequence for a random group member to participate in. This will be assessed by the presenter via the assessment checklist. The PT will be expected to take their client through sound core activation and pelvic floor techniques followed by 3-5 suspended body exercises, finishing with 2-3 recommended suspension training mobility ideas based around the case study goal provided.

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