STRENGTH® Full-Body Workout

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Mark Moon Fitness

STRENGTH® Full-Body Workout

STRENGTH® Full-Body Workout has been designed for those who teach group fitness classes to have a license free option in group barbell programs. Although this workout comes pre-programed, some exercises have options for beginner to advanced or variations you can add in after you have taught the class a few times. Bridging the gap between group fitness and resistance training programming, the STRENGTH® Full-Body Workout instructor training course will teach you the program principles and how to deliver them in our easy-to-follow, progressive loading format including endurance, strength and speed training zones, with four program updates every 12 months.

In the STRENGTH® Full-Body Workout instructor training course you will learn the following:

1. An understanding of the workout format and programming specifics

2. Understanding the workout objectives and effectively coach them

3. How to work with time-frame intervals and the music simultaneously

4. Effectively offer progression/regression and overload techniques in a large group

5. How to make each class different without having to learn complex choreography

6. Transforming your mindset from an “Aerobics Instructor” to a “Group Coach”

7. Advanced cueing techniques, owning your unique delivery style, and authentic self

For more info and training dates, click here

To review this course, please click here.