References for Ian Graham

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I started seeing Ian to help with an injury. After that was resolved with his help, we continued to work on the movement issues that led me to become injured in the first place. Ian's holistic approach has helped me understand and reduce some deep-seated limitations to the way I move. Now I can do more of the things I love, without injuring myself. It helps that Ian is so relentless in his pursuit of better practice, and a pleasure to be around. I've been working with Ian for years and will continue to do so, as he continues to help me improve my baseline wellbeing in a way that filters forward beautifully into the rest of my week.

Hailey Cooperrider, CLIENT
May 2022

Ian has been assisting me in moving better this year. His thoughtful, intelligent, measured ,individual, empathetic and holistic approach has meant that as well as developing more confidence in my body's ability to function well, I am overall more energised and comfortable in my own skin. Thank you Ian!

Helen Baillie, CLIENT
Sep 2019

I have been training with Ian for coming on 5 years both in group and individual sessions. During this time lan has helped me reconnect with my body and understand it's functions through his methodical approach. Ian continually self develops as a Movement Coach and health professional and actively shares his knowledge. I feel blessed to have found him and cannot recommend lan highly enough to anyone wanting to improve strength, mobility and wellness.

Jennifer Van Dam, CLIENT
Nov 2019

Why is Ian my personal movement coach and my go to referral for my clients? Ian is a caring person, who masterfully observes and specifically directs his clients through intelligent movements that support their specific objectives.

Dr Ari Diskin, Healthy Life Doctor of Chiropractic, Diskin Life
Mar 2019

16th October 2019 To Whom It May Concern, Ian Blamey came to my attention on a course taught by me in 2019, in which he was a participant. He displayed a high level of knowledge and commitment to his work and I was impressed by his motivation to learn and work at an unusually high level. Important was his ability and willingness to move beyond the usual exercise prescription level of PT and display good appreciation and application of the full BioPsychoSocial paradigm in working with clients. Due to his passion and diligence I have been mentoring him on an ongoing basis and he has developed into an exceptional PT with the ability to work with all types of clients.

Robin Kerr, Physiotherapist, Robin Kerr Physiotherapy & The Motion Project
Oct 2019

I have no hesitation in referring patients with back, neck and other musculoskeletal complaints to see Ian for building fitness and preventing occurrence of injury. He has an empathetic, attentive personality and works to restore normal movement patterns in the body - not just blindly building strength. Because of these traits he is great with managing people with injuries and building up their strength and mobility, while not over stressing them in a way that will re-injure them.

Cameron Kealy, Osteopath, Recharge Osteopathic Clinic
Jul 2017

Ian took the time to find out exactly what it was I was looking to achieve when it came to my health and fitness goals. Together we were able to come up with a plan of action that compliments my busy lifestyle and helps keep my body mobile and loose. As a women’s football player it is important that my body stays strong in order to allow me to improve my skills and endurance injury free! Whether you are already training, or you are looking to get your body back on track, Ian’s genuine interest and care for your health goals, coupled with his unique approach compliments any lifestyle. I feel safe and in good hands this season knowing that Ian will keep me accountable for my own health.

Dr Jessica Bravo, CLIENT
Feb 2019

Ian Blamey is a passionate, trustworthy and effective Coach. Ian has developed his knowledge and application to generate powerful solutions for clients with various challenges, empowering them to regain control of their own quality of life. Ian's journey has seen him contract to a number of companies in the health and wellness industry, always demonstrating great guidance and developing strong relationships.

Ian O'Dwyer, Director, OD on Movement
Feb 2017

Ian has a passion for continually learning and improving his skills, knowledge and customer service. He has a calming temperament that helps him really connect with each client that he works with. His years of experience both in the industry and in corporate life give him a great appreciation and empathy for the clients he works with which gives him clarity on how to best meet the needs of his clients.

Gareth Houley, Owner, Human Fitness & Performance
Feb 2017

Ian has been working with us for a number of years, he is a great asset to our team and works hard to support and guide his clients and groups to move and perform better with each session. Ian is a very professional trainer who takes pride in his work and upskilling his knowledge to deliver the best movements and workouts for clients.

Jodi McCone, Owner/operator Human Fitness & Performance, Human Fitness & Performance
Jul 2018

Ians knowledge about the human body and how to get it to move better is second to none. He also understands the human emotion element and how this impacts our bodies physically. I would recommend him to anyone.

Luke Wallace, Participant, Recharge Osteopathy
Jul 2017