Applied Strongman Training AST

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Applied Strongman Training AST


There are 9 lectures, 73 exercises and over 4 hours of footage that will guide you on how to incorporate Strongman devices including tyres and sledgehammer, sled, prowler, farmers walk and superyoke.

In each lecture, we provide an in-depth explanation of the technique needed to perform the exercise safely, the rationale for use and when you would use certain exercises with that particular apparatus. You will also have access to sample workouts that you can use for you and/or your clients.


To meet course completion requirements students are required to complete the following.

  1. Online knowledge check
  2. Submit video evidence that shows you competently instructing others to safely execute exercises using the core AST apparatus’ (sled, prowler, farmers walk, superyoke, tire and sledgehammer). For more detail please refer to the Practical assessment in the Learning Outcomes section.

For more information or to register, head here.

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